Episode 7 - Between Rock Candy and a Hard Place - Engaging Halloween

Reid and Jesse briefly discuss the history of Halloween and give some five fingered guidance for engaging the holiday today.

Reid and Jesse briefly discuss the history of Halloween and give some five fingered guidance for engaging the holiday today.

Show Notes

In or Out

Mischief Night - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mischief_Night It’s a Jersey thing

Halloween Stats

Man, that's a lot of money spent!


Halloween - From Pagan Ritual to Party Night by Nicholas Rogers, Oxford press, 2002. https://www.amazon.com/Halloween-Pagan-Ritual-Party-Night/dp/0195168968
Last call: The rise and fall of prohibition by Daniel Okrent, Scribner, 2010. https://www.amazon.com/Last-Call-Rise-Fall-Prohibition/dp/0743277023/
The Brazyn Life Morph collapsible foam roller on Shark Tank!


Episode 6 - To Kneel or not to Kneel?

A discussion of NFL protests and our engagement together

A discussion of NFL protests and our engagement together

To Kneel or Not to Kneel

What you might be missing in the kneeling debate by Ed Uzynski


Book - Good and Bad Thinking about Politics and Religion

The Brazyn Life Morph Collapsible Foam Roller


Thanks to Sugar and the Hi Lows for allowing us to license the song "see it for yourself" for our theme song. The Gospel Underground is a joint production of Power of Change and the Bonhoeffer Haus.

Send your comments, feedback and or questions that you might want us to take up here on the underground to info@gospelunderground.org.  We are a dialogue taking place in the borderlands between the church and culture and we hope to see you there.

Episode 5 - Show some LOVE

Reid Monaghan discusses some of the whys and ways of showing appreciation to pastors.

Reid Monaghan discusses some of the whys and ways of showing appreciation to pastors.


Check out the creative non-fiction works of history by Candice Millard

Show some LOVE

Coram Deo Wednesday Conversation Podcast Episode - a good round table discussion

“Shaping Cultures for Ministerial Health in a Church Plant” Reid's Acts 29 article for helping shape cultures that care for the health of ministers within church planting contexts


Thanks to Sugar and the Hi Lows for allowing us to license the song "see it for yourself" for our theme song. The Gospel Underground is a joint production of Power of Change and the Bonhoeffer Haus.

Send your comments, feedback and or questions that you might want us to take up here on the underground to info@gospelunderground.org.  We are a dialogue taking place in the borderlands between the church and culture and we hope to see you there.

Episode 4 - Technology and a Human Future

Robot Overlords, AI and a vision for our future together as human beings is the topic of discussion today.

Robot Overlords, AI and a vision for our future together as human beings is the topic of discussion today.

Show Notes


The Bonhoeffer Haus, http://www.bonhoefferhaus.com/

RUTs and BUTs


Mushrooms, AI and wisdom, https://www.theverge.com/2017/7/28/16054834/mushroom-identifying-app-machine-vision-ai-dangerous


Human craftsmanship, Liam Hoffman Blacksmith Axes https://www.hoffmanblacksmithing.com 

"One machine can do the work of 50 ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man." -Elbert Hubbard

Technology and a Human Future

Ask not what your robots can do for you...

Companies embedding chips in their employees

New Terminator Film https://www.engadget.com/2017/09/28/james-cameron-terminator-sequel-july-2019/

Synthetic muscle breakthrough could lead to 'lifelike' robots

100 other robot assists and technologists suggest ban of the use of so-called killer robots. Lethal, autonomous, weapons of war.




Hans Moravec and Mind Children

Jonathan Coulton
The funny, dystopic music of Jonathan Coulton https://www.jonathancoulton.com (most of the songs the lyrics are clean, but a few have an edge to em)

Merry Christmas from Chiron Beta Prime

Episode 3 - Are you going political?

Jesse Furey and Reid S. Monaghan kick around around our polarized political climate and the posture of followers of Jesus seeking faithful engagement in our day.

Jesse Furey and Reid S. Monaghan kick around around our polarized political climate and the posture of followers of Jesus seeking faithful engagement in our day.

Show Notes


Breaking Faith, The culture war over religious morality has faded; in its place is something worse by Peter Beinart. https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2017/04/breaking-faith/517785/



Building a family device charging station. All info and products for the one Reid put together can be found on his blog here. http://www.powerofchange.org/blog/2017/9/16/plugged-and-unplugged-life-at-home

Episode 2 - The Nature of our Nature

Reid and Jesse discuss the beauty and brokenness of the creation and how Jesus taught us about seeing both. We also discuss Bai again and whether eSports being in the Olympics is cool. To wrap up we take a little trip together to church.

Reid and Jesse discuss the beauty and brokenness of the creation and how Jesus taught us about seeing both. We also discuss Bai again and whether eSports being in the Olympics is cool. To wrap up we take a little trip together to church.

Show Notes

The following links on on subjects featured on today's show:

Cool or Not Cool

The Nature of our Nature

Harvey Relief Links

Take em to Church