Financial Partnership


I thank my God in all my remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine for you all making my prayer with joy, because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now. And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.

Philippians 1:3-6


The Gospel Underground is funded and supported by the prayers and financial giving of partner churches, individuals and business leaders who desire to see the advance of the mission of Jesus Christ. Our effectiveness in this work will depend upon the gracious hand of God being upon us and our partners as we serve and give together for the sake of the mission of Jesus Christ.

We have endeavored to make the process of financial partnership as clear and simple as possible while giving you options in terms of the method you would like to use to contribute.

The following are the options we have for giving to The Gospel Underground.


Online Billpay

You can automate your giving using your bank's online bill-pay feature to set up a recurring gift. It's free with most banks and costs us nothing.

Here is the info you will need:

You can also write and mail checks to the address above.

Benefit: It's automatic, our ministry incurs zero fees and you control and manage the set-up. 


Fully Automatic

When you select the “fully automatic” we will send you an email where you can create a login and set up a regular ACH or credit card gift.

Benefit: It's automatic so no forgetting, no more work for you to do.


Give Now

Give a gift using our simple online giving form. Just click the button below to do that now.

If you would like to give on a monthly or regular basis fill out our partnership form below and select either the "Online Bill-pay" or "Fully Automatic" option.

Benefit: It's easy, you can contribute right now.

Donate Now

Gospel Underground Partnership Form

Please fill out the response form below to initiate your partnership with us.  Please select a “online bill-pay" or “fully automatic” giving option as described above to let us know the method you plan to utilize. Of course, mailing a check is still a fine option.