Episode 144 - Share the Gospel

Episode Video

Show Notes

Scripture Referenced

  • John 15:15, Mark 10, Luke 19:10, John 20:21

Book Referenced

  • A Meal with Jesus: Discovering Grace, Community, and Mission around the Table. By Tim Chester.

Gospel Diamond

Creation – There is one God who created all things.  The universe, energy, matter, rocks trees and you and I were created by God.  He created all things good and in harmony with him and other things.  As the crown of creation God created human beings in his image and likeness to be in relationship with him and one another. Reading: Genesis 1-2

Questions we can ask:

  • Where did all this amazing stuff come from?

  • Do you ever wonder why we are here? Any purpose to any of it?

  • What do we make of beauty? Standing on a mountain? Before the immensity of the ocean?

  • We are very small in the universe? Does that mean our lives have no significance?

Fall/Promise – God gave graciously to the first man and woman and told them that all of creation was theirs to steward yet they were to live by following God and his way. Our first parents chose to disobey God and do life their way and sinned against God.  The world as a result has been living in a state of fracture, out of rhythm with God. Human beings, because of sin, now live separated from God and are under his just wrath and condemnation for sin. We feel life doesn’t work, suffering is everywhere, and we stand guilty before God either in active rebellion or passive indifference to our creator. Reading: Genesis 3

Yet concurrently, even as we sinned, God set out on his plan for humanity.  God promised to redeem people from sin and death and promised to do so through his own work in history.  God himself promised to come and handle the problem of our sin. Reading Galatians 4:4, 5

Questions we can ask:

  • Does the world seem to be a good place? A rough place?

  • Why is there so much injustice?

  • If people are good, why do they act so bad?

  • Is evil doing really just the business of your political enemies?

  • Why is the world full of pain and suffering? Why do we think this is WRONG?

  • Why do we think things are WRONG, EVIL, UNJUST if we are just atoms and there is no God?

  • How do you think God wants you to treat your family? People at work? The referee of your kids sports game? Why?


Cross – The person of Jesus was God come to earth to die for sin and forgive sinners.  He displayed to us in his life and teaching who God is and what he has done.  His death is the darkest day in human history (the unjust murder of the Son of God) and at the same time the brightest day in history (Jesus death for sin pays our penalty, satisfies God’s wrath and brings us back in relationship with our creator). Reading – Romans 5:1-11

Questions we can ask:

  • Why do you think Jesus made such a huge impact on our world?

  • Who do you think that Jesus was/is?

  • Why do you think Jesus died?

  • Would it be a big deal to you if it is true that Jesus rose from the dead?

  • Do you think people need to be forgiven in life? Why? How does this change people?

Mission/Redemption – Jesus’ mission on earth was to save us from sin, death and hell and bring his Kingdom, a new way of life, to the earth.  His resurrection from the dead was a sign of this coming new age where sin, death and hell will be ultimately defeated. This mission intersects our lives when we hear of the love of God expressed towards sinners through Jesus' death on the cross we are called to repent (change our minds and turn away from) of our sin and receive his forgiveness by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8, 9). The gospel teaches us that Jesus died a death that we deserve, his death for sin.  Additionally, he lived the life we could not live, a life without sin.  By placing our trust/faith in him we receive forgiveness and pardon from God for our sins and are counted righteous before God in him. In Jesus we are brought back into relationship with God and given eternal life as the gift of his grace and love. We are then transferred from a dark path into the path of redemption and mission in the world. We intersect with eternity on Jesus' mission which is manifesting and ultimately bringing into fullness the Kingdom of God.  

All who trust in him and follow him become a part of his church, a community on mission to see others meet Jesus, have their sins forgiven and then together represent his Kingdom in our community.  At the end of time King Jesus will fully bring a Kingdom (heaven) where sin will be gone, death is defeated, and every tear will be wiped away.  All who trust in him will be with him forever, those who persisted in denying God and living their sinful path will be separated from him forever in Hell.

Questions we can ask:

  • What are some of the causes that are important to you?

  • What is your view of the future of planet earth?

  • Do you think things are getting better or worse? Why?

  • Where do people find hope for their future? Where do you? What happens if those things fail? For example, money, health, influence, power, pleasures etc. can be lost.

A Dozen or so Gospel Themes

  1. Revolution – Jesus overcame the authority of sin, Satan, death, and hell

  2. Liberation – Jesus came to set captive people free

  3. Kingdom – Jesus came to bring a different rule and reign

  4. Suffering – Jesus suffered for us and he suffers with us

  5. Unity/Reconciliation/Relationship – By grace Jesus brings us back to the Father and reconciles relationship, we live in union with Jesus

  6. Family – God is our Father, we are sons, daughters, brothers, and sisters, in his family

  7. Adoption – God intentionally chooses and adopts sinful kids

  8. Birth/New Birth/New Life – We are born new, new slate, new life

  9. Judicial – God forgives the guilty by grace at great cost to himself

  10. Farming – God plants seeds that grow in us; he appoints us to bear fruit

  11. Darkness and Light – we can now see; God brings light to a dark world through Jesus the light of the world. The church then shines his light into the darkness

  12. Death and Life – Jesus did not come to make bad people good; he came to make dead people live...now, and forever. Jesus overcomes death and brings a promised resurrection and eternal life.

Reid S. Monaghan

Reid Monaghan received a Bachelor of Science in Applied Computer Science with a minor in Physics from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. While at UNC he also competed on the wrestling team for the then perennial ACC Champion and top ten Tarheels. He also holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Apologetics, a multidisciplinary degree involving Philosophy, Biblical studies, and Theology.

After college, he spent eight years serving alongside his wife Kasey on the college campus with the ministry of Athletes in Action. He pioneered the Athletes in Action campus ministry at Virginia Tech and was the director there from 1998-2004. During his final two years on AIA staff Reid also served as regional director for the Mid-Atlantic and Ivy League schools. From 2004-2008 Reid was on the staff of Fellowship Nashville where he started a work with young adults called Inversion, preached in the Sunday rotation and taught classes in theology and Christian Apologetics.

Along with a team of friends, Reid planted Jacob’s Well, a theologically driven and culturally engaged church in Central New Jersey. He also pioneered the Acts 29 Network in the state of New Jersey, served on the Northeast lead team, and as director for church planter assessment for the US South Central Network. Reid continues to consult and coach church planters as part of his ministry.

He is a traveling speaker where he addresses students and athletes on various campuses throughout the United States. He has spoken to college students at such institutions as Brown, Princeton, Yale, Wake Forest, Rutgers, UNC Chapel Hill, and Virginia Tech. In addition to his campus work he has spoken in chapel services for the Tennessee Titans, the Jacksonville Jaguars, and the New York Football Giants.

He has long been engaged with the task of bringing the gospel to people in culture in clear, relevant and compelling ways combining theological vision, apologetics, Christian thought and popular culture.

Some of his greatest joys in life are from the gifts God has given him in his wife Kasey (married 1996), and his kiddos Kayla (arrival 2001), Kylene (arrival 2003), and Thomas Reid (arrival 2006).

Reid has a limited number of dates each year to speak in various venues. His areas of strength are with Christian apologetics, athletes, biblical preaching, family life and worship, college students, and ethnically diverse audiences. Please contact us via our Speaker Request Form if you would like Reid to come and serve with your church or campus ministry.