Show Notes
Links Referenced
Jesse Furey has written an essay to go along with this episode of the underground. You can find that on the Bonhoeffer Haus Blog here:
Some good additional reading and resources referenced on the state of work, faith and theology
Books Referenced
Keller “Every Good Endeavor”
Miroslav Volf “Public Faith in Action” - “Work in the Spirit”
Andy Crouch “Culture Making”
Kyle Bennett “Practices of Love: Spiritual Disciplines for the Life of the World”
Cal Newport “Deep Work”
Wendell Berry “Christianity and the Survival of Creation”
Bonhoeffer “Christ, Reality, and Good”
Walter Strickland and Benjamin Quinn “Every Waking Hour”
Gene Veith “God at Work”
Amy Sherman “Kingdom Calling”
Bob Benne “Ordinary Saints"
Scripture Referenced
1 Corinthians 7:20, 10:31
Colossians 3:23, 24
Genesis 1-3